Mid-Atlantic Electric School Bus Experience Project (MEEP)

TheĀ Mid-Atlantic Electric School Bus Experience ProjectĀ (MEEP) provides schools with an introduction to electric school bus technology. Through working with Clean Cities Coalitions, and other partners, MEEP aims toĀ provide free electric school bus demos in select districts in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Washington DC.

MEEP is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The project allows school districts to gain experience with electric school buses from multiple manufacturers, evaluate vehicle performance (including comparison to baseline conventional fuel buses), and provide valuable information about incorporating electric school bus technologies into their fleets.

Main Components of MEEP

  • Help school districts to plan for deployment including identification of appropriate routes
  • Engage stakeholders to build awareness of electric school buses and educate them about the partnerships and activities needed to support deployment
  • Staff training to support operations and collect data on vehicle performance
  • Data and data analysis to support evaluation of the project

Benefits of Electric School Buses

Protect the Health of Children

Improve Local Air Quality

Achieve Sustainability Goals

Reduce Operating Costs

There are close to a half of a million school buses on the road today, the vast majority of which are diesel buses that spew toxic tailpipe emissions that negatively effect the millions of children riding them and the communities they operate in. One apparent solution to this problem is to switch to clean, zero tailpipe emission, electric school buses.

Electric school buses are an exciting tool for school districts to implement as they protect the health of children, improve local air quality, help achieve sustainability goals, and reduce operating costs!

Additionally, they are now being offered by every major North American school bus manufacturer, and orders and deployments are increasing around the country.

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Contributed by VEIC and Virginia Clean Cities, August 18th, 2022